Tag Archives: Civil War Re-enactors

Wisconsin governor reveals true colors. What you really don’t want behind the sofa.And Bill Maher, brilliantly, on Civil War re-enactors.

Ah, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, how do you really feel?

In the middle of this historic series of protests in America’s Dairyland, where one new Republican chief executive is trying to undo decades of progress by public unions in America, there was this today.
A prank phone call from a man in Buffalo named Ian Murphy, who works for something called the Buffalo Beast, purported to be from a wealthy donor and friend of Walker’s, David Koch.
On the call Murphy listens (and prods) Walker about the protests, and gets him to admit, yeah, this is the first step in Republican governors’ plans to break unions, and yeah, he’s thought about planting pro-Walker people in the crowds to stir up trouble, and well, yeah, a whole bunch of other stuff you always knew fat cats said to politicians, and vice-versa. (Part 2 of this call can be found if you click the video below after it’s done.)
It’s actually fascinating to listen to how a guy like Walker talks to one of his big donor supporters.Have a listen for yourself.

**You know, sometimes a story can be summed up in one sentence: A woman found an alligator behind her sofa.
Get the details here.

**I’ve always thought it was beyond bizarre how many people in this country take part in Civil War re-enactments. I don’t get the whole “re-enactment” idea in general, but the folks who actually take the time to get all dressed up in costumes, trek to a fairly historic battlefield, and then pretend they’re actually either a Union or Rebel soldier in 1862, baffles me.

And the fact that Southerners do it, you know, the people who lost the war, boggles my mind.

Bill Maher feels the same way. As usual, he expresses it far more amusingly than I could. Enjoy: