The dog whose bad stomach revealed a husband’s affair. A truly wonderful “Wheel of Fortune” missed guess. And yeah, this new doc on the 1980s Brat Pack looks incredible.


There are a lot of ways for a cheating spouse to get caught. He/she could leave clues around, text messages discovered, phone calls, hotel receipts… you name it, there are a hundred ways to get caught.

This one, though, I never in a million years would have imagined.

Check out this story, from the Mirror in London:

“An emergency trip to the vet has resulted in a mucky secret exploding to the surface in an unexpected manner.

A young vet on her first day at a new job recently found herself at the centre of a dramatic fallout between a married couple, when the contents of their puppy’s stomach revealed evidence of a steamy affair.

According to this vet, the poor pup was seriously ill when he arrived, and subsequent X-rays showed an obstruction in his tummy. Surgery, which was thankfully successful, determined that a lady’s thong had caused the painful blockage – and it didn’t belong to the wife.

Taking to Reddit, the 26-year-old vet wrote: “A puppy arrived very sick, we did X-ray, found something obstructing, did surgery, and it comes out to be a thong. We put it to the side. Owner eventually shows up. We explained what we found and then she says, ‘a thong?! I don’t have a thong! I never had thongs!’, and called her husband screaming at him. Turns out he’s been cheating on her and it’s his secret mistress’s thong. I feel bad for her.”

I mean… I have SO many questions. First, what are the odds the dog chews up a thong? Second, what kind of a fool leaves his girlfriend’s thong lying around? And third, man what I wouldn’t give to her the husband try to explain his way out of that one.

And this was the vet’s first day on the job! A story they’ll be telling for the rest of their days.

**Next up today, I love a good game show missed guess, and “Wheel of Fortune” had an absolute doozie recently.
I like the way this guy thinks, though one of his fellow contestants sounded horrified by the guess.

Pat Sajak got one last good one in before his retirement next week.

**Finally today, there is about a 1,000 percent chance that I’m going to love this movie. For you young’uns out there, in the early 1980s there was a group of beautiful young, arrogant Hollywood actors who were dubbed “The Brat Pack,” a nod to Frank Sinatra’s old group “The Rat Pack.”
Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy were some of them, and they made some great movies, and some terrible ones, and their star kind of faded as the decade ended.

Andrew McCarthy was one of the Brat Pack, and he’s made a documentary about them called “Brats” and it’s out on Hulu on June 13 and I am certain I’ll be watching it that week. This trailer makes it look amazing, and my Gen X brethren will swallow this up.

One response to “The dog whose bad stomach revealed a husband’s affair. A truly wonderful “Wheel of Fortune” missed guess. And yeah, this new doc on the 1980s Brat Pack looks incredible.

  1. The story about the dog was funny. You would be surprised what dogs will injest. It funny. I kind of knew the link I clicked on would be click bait. It turned out to be a fake story but actually a bit similar. Hope to make this short. The couple were married. At some point when the wife came home from work the dog would bark at her and not stop. She left to apparently stay with a friend. The husband finds a pair of his wife’s jeans. The dog starts barking. There is the scent of cologne on the jeans which wasn’t the husband’s. The wife comes home. The husband confronts her. She breaks down and admits she is having affair with a co worker. The story ends with the couple trying to work it out without the readers knowing if they did it or not. I rarely open click bait article, but the header was interesting enough. I wouldn’t doubt if something like this couldn’t happen. There dogs that are just very smart. I have had a couple of good dogs but I can’t say they smart

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