About Me, Michael Lewis


Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Michael Lewis, and before you ask, NO, I did not write “Moneyball” or “The Blind Side.” That’s the other Michael Lewis, and if you run into him, ask him if he can loan me a million or two.

I’m the Michael Lewis who was a professional journalist for 15 years, after graduating from the University of Delaware (Go Blue Hens.) I’ve worked for three newspapers, SLAM magazine, and have freelanced for Maxim, TennisWeek, and other publications.

I left the crumbling newspaper biz, with a heavy heart, in June, 2011, to move back to New York to pursue a new career as a teacher (following in the footsteps of my parents, who I swore I would never emulate!). I’m currently a substitute teacher in the NYC school system (I know, you’re all blinded with jealousy right now) and a freelance writer, to boot.

I also root way too obsessively for the New York Rangers, New York Jets and Duke basketball (my penance for being a Jets fan, I rationalize), I think all ’80s music (especially Barry Manilow) rules, and am bemoaning the loss of all the hair I used to have, that seems to have vanished from my head.

Thanks for visiting.

P.S. Oh yeah, here’s me jumping out of an airplane:

15 responses to “About Me, Michael Lewis

  1. You have always had the knack to write and share theose special times in your life! Keep up the blogging and it maintains my smile!

  2. Hi Michael…Following a tweet and a story on Wesleonard’s tragic death led me to your blog. I must say that you do have a writing style and more importantly a sense of humor:)- which I think is what makes a person attractive! Keep up the good work.
    P.S. Someday before my time on Earth is up, I would like to dare to skydive too – hopefully that will be several years away;)

    ~ Radhika

  3. Hi micheal,
    I googled this Thurgood movie that I’m now watching and came up on your blog. I too am a journalist, work for the wash post. Enjoy your blog.

  4. Hi Michael,
    I notice some time back you blogged/publised an article on a Michael Keogh and his involvement in the life of one Adolf Hitler

    Just to leave you know that we made a radio documentary on Michael Keogh to try and verify the story as to whether Michael did actually save Hitlers Life.

    I’m sure the doc will be of interest to you and your followers. It is available to listen now online or podcast through our normal channels. This is the link to it’s webpage http://www.rte.ie/radio1/doconone/radio-documentary-did-michael-keogh-save-hitler.html

    I hope you enjoy the listen – cracker of a story.

    All the best,


    Liam O’Brien,
    Series Producer – Documentary on One,
    RTÉ Radio 1,

    Listen via our new Android App – https://market.android.com/details?id=com.feedhenry.fhAlgOobrsGT1pZKHPAPBqJqaK
    Listen via our iPhone App – http://itunes.apple.com/ie/app/rte-radio-documentary-on-one/id355836266?mt=8
    Subscribe to us on itunes – http://itunes.apple.com/ie/podcast/documentary-on-one-rte-documentaries/id107923803

    Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/RTEdoconone
    Become a fan on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/pages/RTE-Radio-1-Documentary-on-One/117713965281
    Reviews of Doc on One productions – http://www.rte.ie/radio1/doconone/review.html

  5. hey mike, you will never believe who this is….anyway, nice blog. i thought i would check it out since you have been doing alot of talking about it

  6. Michael–Found you, another blogger of encouragement who’s not tied to a deity (that I can fathom) for sustenance. My purpose is to engender hope and a new way of looking at things for folks sorely needing a lift–hence my blog: “Encouragement in a Difficult World: Biddy Bytes Blog”…So please visit me at http://www.biddybytes.com where you’ll see me (a 65-year-old woman) jumping off platforms at Navitat, a zip-lining reserve. For one day, I was an Avatar. Keep up the good work and let’s chat periodically…

  7. Hi,
    I just read your story about your English teacher in Commack. That was really moving and made me do a bit more research on the Internet. That research landed me here…. Just thought I’d leave a note….

    All the best!

    Johan Hommes
    The Netherlands.

  8. Hey Mike, You are a professional journalist and now getting a teaching degree. What will you tell your students about digital copyrighting? I find it interesting that you didn’t even ask to use my “Cow in the Road” shot on your blog. I am a professional photographer and have been since 1979. I’d like you to please take my image and put my name and website on it. Then I can at least link to your blog.
    Gail Fischer

  9. Hi Mich, I bought that Pen-brella. This product is amazing: an actual usable umbrella inside a writing pen. Looks like we are covered 24/7 during sudden rain and snow no matter how many times we don’t find our normal umbrella just when we need it. I bught 10 and going to make surprise and inexpensive gifts to my girlfriends and other people.

    This is really aq product that we always need but it was not available. I hope you purchased a few dozens and gifting away.

  10. Hey Michael, just found this blog……will be a fan from now on…..good to hear your going back to school, it’s journalism’s loss but a great opportunity for your future students to learn from you…..have fond memories of the Star News and the folks I worked with…….best always, Mary Mac

  11. There are cases, however, where one might wish to disable comments.

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  12. Pingback: Two ex-gang members stop a long-running war in the Bronx using unconvential methods | Cure Violence

  13. Pingback: Two ex-gang members stop a long-running war in the Bronx using unconvential methods | Chicago Activism

  14. Congratulations on the Cure Violence blog piece – it’s fabulous!

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