Daily Archives: August 28, 2020

Good News Friday: A 96-year-old man goes on a very long walk. A little boy gets his first puppy, and his reaction is priceless. And an oldie but goodie: the best lip-dub proposal ever.

I’m still kind of reeling from the historic Wednesday we had in the world of professional sports, when athletes and teams in the NBA, WNBA, Major League Baseball, and Major League Soccer all decided to basically refuse to play games, to make a powerful statement against racism after yet ANOTHER police shooting of an unarmed African-American man.

It was … amazing to see so much solidarity in the sports world. I don’t know how long this solidarity will last, and it’s awful that African-American athletes have to make a choice between fighting for justice and plying their trade.

But it was something incredible to see, on Wednesday. And so was this, by former NBA star and now broadcaster Chris Webber.  It looks like the NBA playoffs will resume today, and other sports will soon follow. But wow, what a moment that was, one I hope does actually have a lot of impact.

OK, on with the show.

First up today, a story of a truly remarkable man who is 96 years old. Ernie Andrus began his journey six years ago to become the oldest man to run across the country from coast to coast. Here, CBS News’ Steve Hartman catches up with the 96-year-old, who is still on his mission.

What perseverance. What spirit.

**Next up today, sometimes it really is as simple as a little boy getting a dog, one that he’s always wanted.

Check out this short video of this young man getting a beautiful pooch, his first puppy.

Just a sweet, sweet moment.

**And finally today, it’s been a rough week, on many levels. I listened to some of the four nights of BS coming from the Republican National Convention, we had the horrible shooting of Jacob Blake, and a few other things.

So Thursday night I started thinking of something I knew would make me happy, and hopefully you. I like to watch this video from time to time because it’s my favorite thing I’ve ever posted on Good News Friday.

So please, after a long, hard week, take a few minutes to watch something that will make you smile. An oldie but goodie: From 2012, Isaac’s Lip-Dub Proposal.

I cry every time I watch it. Every time!