The pumpkin-ization of October. Cliff Lee’s not bad. And the dangers of track and field

So this is a little bit of a rant about nothing. But I noticed while in line at the bagel place the other day that they were offering “pumpkin” blends of their cream cheese or something.
And this is not an isolated thing. Stores all over the food industry, in the month of October, now offer pumpkin-related products. And I get it, it’s Halloween month, they want to grab the tie-in, people think about pumpkins all the time, etc.
But when did this all happen? When did everyone jump onto the pumpkin bandwagon? Did I miss this? I swear during my childhood there were no pumpkin muffins, no pumpkin coffee, no pumpkin anything except for, just, you know, pumpkins.
Seriously, when did the pumpkin thing infect everything? I’m just wondering.

**So, Cliff Lee of the Texas Rangers. Yeah, he’s good. The Yankees had no shot against him Monday night. Literally no chance. There’s something mesmerizing about watching a pitcher so dominate a baseball lineup that when you look at their faces when they come up to plate, they look defeated already.
Yanks are in trouble. Deep trouble. Thank goodness old reliable A.J. Burnett pitches tonight. Uhh, maybe not.

**This cracked me up so much I watched it four times. Sure, it’s a little “America’s Funniest Home Videos”-like, but I laughed. Call it “where not to stand at a track and field race.” Love the spectator’s reaction, too:

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