Tag Archives: Matt Hasselbeck

An awful Jets performance. A “Peanuts” anniversary. And my new favorite infomercial that’s unintentionally dirty

Awful. Hideous. Disgraceful. Embarrassing.
Ladies and gentlemen, the 2011 New York Jets.
The less I say about Sunday night’s 34-17 debacle against the Baltimore Ravens, the better.
Just want to say this: That offensive line is going to get Mark Sanchez killed.
And Sanchez continues to make WAY too many mistakes for a quarterback who’s started since his rookie year. This is year 3 now, Mark. Enough of this crap.
And the defense, as usual, started slower than a turtle in a 100-yard dash.  The Jets were in a big hole early and couldn’t recover.
The only good thing I can say about this game is that I’m actually glad it happened at night. Because I had a perfectly lovely Sunday (bagels in New York City for breakfast, etc) up until 8:30 when the game started. So this stinker of a performance didn’t ruin my whole day.

Jets are now 2-2. With a trip to Foxboro against the Patriots next Sunday. That’ll be fun!
More NFL thoughts for your Monday…

— Reason No. 4,534 I don’t gamble on the NFL: Raise your hand if you had the Redskins, Titans and 49ers all being 3-1 after four games.
— And the “Dream Team” Eagles being 1-3, and losing a game where Mike Vick throws for more than 400 yards.
— Tony Romo, Tony Romo, Tony Romo. You are truly setting a new standard for Jekyll and Hyde, my friend. Every week with the Cowboys quarterback, it’s a great play one minute, an awful one the next.
Sunday he led Dallas to a 27-3 lead over Detroit, an insurmountable edge, only to then throw two INT’s returned for touchdowns, as the Lions (who are 4-0, incredibly) came back for a 34-30 win.
Say this for Romo: He always makes things exciting.

–You know it’s a strange year so far when the Dolphins are 0-4 and I’ve barely noticed. The Fins are so awful, it’s almost not even fun hating them anymore. Ah, yeah, it still is fun. I hope they go 1-15 (I want them to beat New England next time they play)

**Sixty-one years ago Sunday, a man named Charles Schulz had his new comic strip “Peanuts” published for the first time.
Maybe the greatest comic strip ever. Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t know about Charlie Brown, Lucy, and the words “Good Grief?”
On the anniversary, I salute you, Linus and the gang.

**OK, I don’t think it’s just me here. This could be the dirtiest infomercial of all time. Seriously, they had to have realized how this was going to look. Is it possible that the makers of Flex Factor are in on the joke?