Daily Archives: June 25, 2018

Paul McCartney does an emotional, amazing turn on “Carpool Karaoke.” My good friends at FOJ stand up for what’s right, on national TV. And “Insomnia Jeopardy” cracked me up

As much as I thoroughly enjoy them, most episodes of James Corden’s “Carpool Karaoke” on his CBS late-night show are pretty fleeting. You watch them on a Tuesday, have a good time with it, and by Thursday you’ve forgotten all about it.

But Thursday night, I venture to say Corden and a certain former Beatle created an incredible, indelible piece of entertainment. In just more than 20 minutes of footage, driving around Paul McCartney’s hometown of Liverpool, the two Brits who worship music and all the emotions it brings up had one hell of a time.

They went to McCartney’s childhood home, brought Corden to tears singing “Let it Be,” and gave people in a local pub one hell of a surprise at the end.

This, truly, brought me so much joy to watch.  I hope you enjoy. It’s Monday and if it doesn’t lift your spirits, you may want to check your pulse for signs of life.

**Next up today, sometimes on this blog I just want to share something funny that I saw that made me laugh pretty hard.

I had some significant insomnia issues for a long time in my 20’s; not sure if I’ve talked about it here but I was up to two Ambien’s a night sometimes, and often saw the sun come up while trying to fall asleep.

Anyway, I eventually got better, but insomnia is no laughing matter. Still, my sister posted this old New Yorker magazine cartoon by Roz Chast the other day and it made me laugh. Hopefully you can look at it then fall right to sleep.

**Finally today, it’s pretty rare that you get to see good friends doing something righteous on national television, so Friday night was a pretty fabulous one for my wife and I.

I’ve written many times here about my love and support for the Friends of Jaclyn Foundation, a non-profit that pairs kids with brain cancer up with high school and college sports teams across America.

Well a few months ago I got a crazy phone call from some hysterically excited friends, Erin Perkins and Alicia Greenstone, the two women who, along with co-founder Denis Murphy, are the heart and soul of FOJ. Truly, they are some of the most wonderful, warm-hearted people I’ve ever met.

Erin and Alicia told me they were just out having lunch at a local restaurant near their office in upstate New York, and a waitress was getting lectured to by customers at a nearby table.

It seems the diners had noticed her wedding ring and asked about her husband, and the waitress mentioned she’s actually married to a woman.

Well, the customers began loudly protesting, speaking nastily to the waitress and threatening to not leave a tip. Erin heard what was going on and immediately jumped to the defense of the waitress, as did Erin and Denis, and all hugged after talking for a few minutes.

A short time after the disrespectful couple left, the host of ABC TV’s “What Would You DO,” John Quinones, jumped out from behind the counter and told them they’d all been filmed for the new season of the show.

They were gobsmacked; of course they didn’t know they were being taped, and quite honestly, there’s no way they would’ve thought the rude customers were actors (there’s plenty of people with those views in America).

Well, I was so proud when I heard what they’d done, and last Friday night their episode finally aired. Check out their short segment (above).

Really, really cool.