Daily Archives: February 3, 2010

The beginning of the end for DADT. And Oscar nominees are out. Yay!

“I can not escape being troubled by the fact that we have in place a policy that forces young men and women to lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens” — Admiral Mike Mullen

It’s a rare day when I can look at Congress and say “Well OK then, today they made a difference, and today they matter.”

But as I watched and read about the brave and honest testimony of the highest-ranking member of the U.S. military command, talk about the foolishness and just plain wrongness of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, I realized that today was such a huge day in our country.

Here we have a man who’s spent his whole career with soldiers, saying that is indefensible for America to keep hard-working gay and lesbian men and women out of the military.

All those Republican bigots and homophobes, all these years, have been saying that we should leave such a matter “to the generals,” because they know what’s best.

Well today, we had the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Defense Secretary, unveil a plan to finally repeal the hideous “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law.

It may not happen overnight (and I think it’s crap that it’ll take a year-long “study” before the law is killed), but pretty soon, and not a moment too soon, gay Americans, who love this country as much as anyone else, will be allowed to help defend it.

That, my friends, is progress.

**Big Academy Awards fan here. Huge. Unlike the Grammys, where I have no interest and hardly have heard of most of the nominees, I love movies and try to see a lot of them ever year.

So I was excited the Oscar nominees came out today, and it seems like the voters did a pretty good job. I was very excited to see four movies I saw this year and loved (“Up,” “Inglorious Basterds,” “Avatar,” and “Up in the Air, my pick for best picture) nominated for the top award. I’d love it for “Basterds” to win, just to hear Tarantino make a crazy speech. I love that guy.

I think if Christoph Waltz, the SS military officer in “Basterds” doesn’t win supporting actor, there should be a criminal investigation. I’m stunned that an actress as limited as Sandra Bullock was nominated for best actress, but I hear she’s great in “The Blind Side.” (And hey, the other Michael Lewis wrote the book it was based on).

I think best actor has to be George Clooney or Jeff Bridges; best actress is wide-open; Helen Mirren or Meryl Streep are always worthy picks, but maybe Bullock or Gabby Sidibe (the woman from “Precious”) has a chance.

Finally, was thrilled to see Anna Kendrick get picked for best supporting actress; she was outstanding in “Up in the Air.”

Overall, I don’t see any major screwups with the nominees, but what do I know? I’m a guy who still loves “Side Out.”