Daily Archives: February 17, 2010

The best baseball injury of the year, and snowball fighting that results in a felony

A couple of weird stories for you today, while I try to figure out what in the holy hell those male figure skaters were wearing at the Olympics last night. I mean, seriously fellas, did you look in any kind of a mirror before you came out? And has anyone told Johnny Cash’s family that Evan Lysacek raided the great man’s wardrobe?

By the way, I just read that Tanith Belbin, the super-attractive American ice dancer, is rooming with Weir at the Olympics. Belbin used to date Lysacek, Weir’s big rival. I mean seriously, is Aaron Spelling writing these Olympics?

So for a lot of baseball fans, this is a wonderful week, as pitchers and catchers report to spring training.

Then there are fans of the Baltimore Orioles, who haven’t had anything to cheer about for, oh, about 12 years.

Looks like the year’s off to a flying start, though. Pitcher Brad Bergeson apparently injured his right shoulder in December.

While filming a promotional commercial for the Orioles. Seriously. He hadn’t thrown off a pitching mound since August, due to a previous injury, until filming the commercial.

This is why sports and television commercials should never mix. Only bad things can happen.

I hope the O’s at least make it worth Bergesen’s while; maybe they could start planning Brad Bergesen Bobblehead Night or something.

**Proof that your mother was right all those years ago: It really is only a game until someone gets hit with a snowball in the face.

21-year-old Maria Lewis (no relation to yours truly) was charged with felony assault on a police officer in Washington, D.C. last week, when in the middle of that huge Washington D.C. snowball fight, she hit a police officer in the face by throwing a snowball at a police cruiser, whose window was rolled down.

This is according to the police. Maria’s friend said she didn’t do it. I don’t know who to believe. All I know is, I totally wished I lived in D.C. so I could’ve been a part of that snowball fight.

Here in Florida, all we throw at each other is disgusted looks, when the temperature reaches 100 in July.