Daily Archives: February 13, 2010

When More Cowbell goes horribly wrong. And Opening Ceremonies thoughts

So sometimes, the wonderful musical instrument known as the cowbell can be used for bad, and not for good, as Will Ferrell did in the classic SNL skit.

From The Smoking Gun comes the story of Brent Vowell, a Mississippi college student who was charged this week with felony assault for apparently, bashing another student at the Ole Miss-Mississippi State game with a cowbell. Why a person would attack another person with a cowbell is beyond me.

As Bruce Dickinson would tell you, sometimes you just need less cowbell, not more.

Vodpod videos no longer available.
**So I watched a bunch of the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics when I got home Friday night. As usual, weird thoughts permeated my brain during the viewings:
— They showed U.S. Olympian Kelly Clark, and I of course thought, what happens if she has a male child? Will they call him Kelly Clark’s son?
— I love the NBC graphic that shows the ratio of a country’s population, to the number of Winter Olympians it has. My favorite? India. 1.1 billion people. 3 Winter Olympians.
— Very moving moment when the entire arena stood to cheer the delegation from Georgia, who suffered an unspeakable tragedy when one of its lugers died during a run Friday. What an awful way to go, just hours from fulfilling your Olympic dream. In all seriousness, some of these Winter Olympics sports seem way too dangerous to be done. It’s actually stunning that more tragedies haven’t occurred when a person is hurtling down a frozen slide at 90 miles per hour.
— I totally had forgotten that now that Al Michaels is on NBC, he can be on the Olympics broadcasts. I haven’t looked at the announcing schedule, but Al Michaels, the voice of the Miracle on Ice, must do at least one U.S. hockey game.
–Cris Collinsworth and Dan Patrick are horrific interviewers. Really, really bad.
— I’ve got a really good Hannah Teter (U.S. snowboard chick) story to tell you, which includes maybe the greatest and most ludicrous quote ever spoken to me. Too tired to tell the whole thing now, but will definitely write about her soon.
— Speaketh the wife, after we made fun of many of the countries’ outfits: “See, look at Italy. Look at how stylish they are. Everyone else looks like a giant snowball, but no, the Italians always know how to dress with style and grace.”
(Cut to me, nodding knowingly. I find it generally helps to nod knowingly whenever my beloved speaks.)
— By the way, are you aware that it was colder in Daytona Beach, Fla. Friday night than it was in Vancouver? That’s just wrong.
— Finally, of course Wayne Gretzky had to be the final Olympic torch-bearer. Some people who talk about sports in the U.S. say Gretzky is “the Michael Jordan of Canada.” Wrong. Michael Jordan is the Wayne Gretzky of the U.S.
So what if the fourth tower thingy didn’t rise up, it was still a very cool torch-lighting.
— Of course, for me, nothing will ever top Muhammad Ali’s torch-lighting at the Atlanta Games. The goosebumps moment to end all goosebumps moments.
— Only three more days until curling! Whoo-hoo!